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Wij zetten ons maximaal in voor de gezondheid van vrouwen


Theramex zet zich in voor de gezondheid van vrouwen met behandelingen voor de menopauze, anticonceptie, vruchtbaarheid en osteoporose.

6 oktober 2020

Theramex is proud to support World Menopause Day

We have a passsion and a mission to ensure that all women, regardless of where they live, are able to access the education and clinical support to help them through this stage of their lives. Our focus is working in partnership with Healthcare Professionals and Women to drive discussion & knowledge around menopause and a company we are committed to bringing innovation to this marketplace.

Robert Stewart, CEO, Theramex

11 oktober 2020

Zoely UK Stock Update from Theramex

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17 september 2020

Distribution agreement signed for Theramex Portfolio in Republic of Ireland and the Nordics

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