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Wij zetten ons maximaal in voor de gezondheid van vrouwen


Theramex zet zich in voor de gezondheid van vrouwen met behandelingen voor de menopauze, anticonceptie, vruchtbaarheid en osteoporose.

17 oktober 2020

Theramex Supply Continuity – Covid-19 2nd Wave

At Theramex our response to the Covid-19 crisis has been consistent with our values. Continuity of supply of medicines to patients is at the heart of our activities. During the 1st Wave of Covid-19, Theramex was largely successful in maintaining continuity of supply of our products by working very closely with our suppliers and partners however inevitably we did, at times, experience short term shortages due to the Global Pandemic.

Now, as the virus threatens to return for a second time, we are all faced with yet another challenging and uncertain future. There may be disruption in our supply chain even though we have taken necessary measures to mitigate disruption such as instituting a policy of carrying three months of safety stock. It is our intention to remain agile and responsive to any challenges ahead and that we continue to serve our patients and safeguard their access to our products.

17 oktober 2020

Theramex Supply Continuity After Brexit Transition Period – Evorel®

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17 oktober 2020

Evorel® Supply Update: October 2020

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